Qualification Documents for Visa

Qualification documents for visa applications need to go through a few steps that proves your respective training achieved to another country. This ranges from diplomas, degree, senior certificates/matric certificates through school, Technicon, High School and more. This study is based on South Africans but has the same procedures in all countries.

These documents are important as an appendix to your application or business plan if you are applying for a work visa or self employment visa in a different country.

Documents of Education ALL need to be verified by either the Department of Basic Education or by your National Qualifications Authority (called SAQA in South Africa).

It is proof that you are qualified and capable to accomplish your business activity or work.


1. Tertiary education certificate issued by government: Technicon Diploma, University Degree or other

Needs to be:

  • Verified by National Qualifications Authority (Called SAQA in South Africa)
  • Apostilled by your Department of International Relations and Coperation in your Country. (Called Dirco in South Africa)
  • Translated if requested AND these translations then need to be authenticated by the High Court.

Simple steps but time consuming can take anything from 2 weeks to a month.

2. By Schooling: High School certificate/ Senior certificate/ Matric certificate:

Needs to be:

Simple steps but time consuming can take anything from 2 weeks to a month.

If you need a reissue of your certificate for some reason you would need to apply at the Department of basic education.

Department of Basic Education Website in South Africa



  1. This must be done before you send documents to be apostilled (DIRCO).
  2. Email your Qualification to SAQA
    • You can scan and email your qualifications to SAQA. (contact details below.)
    • They then send you a quotation,
    • You need to do an EFT payment, and send them POP
    • They give you an option to send your SAQA documents to DIRCO or to you, this is up to you, if you have other docs to apostil then maybe ask to send to you. You can then send all your docs together to dirco.
    • Or ask them to send it to DIRCO – They will then provide you with Pretoria postnet details to arrange with them (Postnet collects it from them, takes it to DIRCO for Apostil, and then when completed they mail it to you.)


The Verifications Team
Verifications Project
South African Qualifications Authority
Tel :(012) 431 5010
Fax:(086) 218 4900


Send your documents to The Department of International Relations and Coperation in your Country. (this is due to the Hague conventions treaty between certain countries.)

Getting documents apostilled in South Africa by DIRCO:

SA forms part of the Hague so any documents issued by the state needs go through this process. Qualifications must first be verified by SAQA or Basic Department of Education then go To DIRCO.

How to get documents to DIRCO for Apostil:

  • Dirco is in Pretoria – if you are in the area you can make an appointment and drop them off.
  • The easiest way though is to contact POSTNET.

Contact Postnet CBD: (give them a call first so they can give you a quote, and are aware your docs are on the way to them. ):

Other docs that must also be Apostilled for a visa application: So collect all docs and Send together.

  1. Police Clearance
  2. All Home Affairs Docs


First off, all documents that you hand in MOST LIKELY will need to be translated. I know the Spanish insist so for each country find out.

  • Any formal documents, by state or otherwise need to be translated by a sworn translator if they are not initially in the Language of the country you are applying to.
  • All translation documents by a sworn translator need to be legalised by the high court. (This is just to verify that they are a sworn translator of the country/state.)
  • You can ask any consulate in your area for names and contacts of sworn translators in your area. Get a few names, as some of them are very expensive and ask for quotes. Especially if they are qualified attorneys.
  • You do need to bargain a bit on price, and make sure you email all the documents. Number and List them. And count how many pages as they charge per page. They charge per page no matter how long or short.

  • If you are in Cape Town, I can recommend Mabelle if you need a Spanish Sworn Translator. She was very reasonably priced.

Contact Details for Spanish Sworn Translator in Cape Town:

Mabelle Ackert
021 762 4369
082 405 0309


4. HIGH COURT – legalisation

What documents go to the high court for legalisation:

  • Copy of translations of your studies (Don’t need to be notarised by Notary), include English version copy at the back.
  • Some countries are not so strict on this for example Portugal doesn’t ask for High court legalisations whereas Spain insists. So find out by your consulate if they require it.

Place these documents into an envelope and mark it with your name, telephone number and Destination country. (Spain/ Portugal etc.)

Other Documents that also might need to go to High Court:

  • Any Documents that are not government documents needed for your type of visa application in this case
  • Copies of any Original Documents eg. Proof of Address
  • Any documents of your business that need to be legalised as true copies


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